Except as provided in section 15-192, no person who is refused a taxicab driver's permit or whose permit is revoked under
the provisions of section 15-190 shall be eligible for issuance of a new permit until such time as the grounds for
refusal of a permit no longer apply. However, if a driver's permit is refused or revoked
for (i) knowingly making, or causing to be made, either directly or indirectly, a
false statement while applying for the permit, (ii) for making charges above or below
the rates prescribed by section 15-196, or (iii) for reasons described in sections 15-190(4) or (5), such driver shall not be eligible for at least 12 months from the date
of refusal or revocation or from the date the chief of police was informed of the
grounds supporting such revocation, whichever is later.
(Code 1978, § 19.1-37; Ord. of 6-23-99, § 1; Ord. of 8-24-16(1), § 1)